Xamatic X350
USA Tech 1000
PCH Sheet Metal specializes in custom fabrication. With decades of experience and state-of-the-art fabrication equipment, we offer quick turnaround and accurate craftsmanship. Be it a small residential repair or a large commercial project, we attend to all of our customers needs.
Custom Fabrication
We also maintain a full service in-house sheet metal department to serve a variety of customer needs. Our attention to detail and the use of high quality material are your assurance of long lasting and aesthetically pleasing metal work.
Pre-Finished Metals
We offer complete fabrication and installation of pre-finished metals. A wide array of products and color finishes are available to choose from. From painted steel and aluminum, to mirror polished stainless steel, to anodized aluminum, each offers a large color combination to choose from. For more details and information, please visit www.unaclad.com.
Powder Coating
PCH Sheet Metal offers powder coatings in a wide array of colors and textures. For more details and information, please visit www.tigerdrylac.com.