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Xamatic X350
USA Tech 1000
Copper Countertops
Countertop Design
Copper Countertops
Stainless Steel
Copper Kitchen Counters
Copper Hoods
Copper Countertops
Custom Hoods
Custom countertops
Pre-fabricated hoods
Copper Bathroom Sinks
Ventilation Requirements

Residential Countertops
& Hoods

PCH Sheet Metal can assist you with the design of your countertop to help you achieve your desired look. We offer stainless steel in a variety of finishes from the most common brushed finish to highly polished mirrored stainless. We can also apply swirl pattern to achieve a three dimensional look. Stainless steel is easy to maintain and offers a clean antibacterial food preparation work place. We also offer copper which adds elegance to any room in your house.


PCH Sheet Metal is the perfect answer to your ventilation requirements. We use the latest in ventilation technology in the kitchen hood industry. We can design and build custom hoods or we supply pre-fabricated hoods. The hoods are available in stainless steel, copper, and painted finishes. Patterns and other unique finishes can also be applied.

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